
YOU CAN WATCH YOUR YETI-COPTER SPIN Your kids will love watching these yeti-copters twirl to the ground.  They are super easy to make.  There are 3 copters on each page, so you can make the craft with a large group and you won’t need to use a lot of paper. YETIS IN THE YARD Once … Read more

Turkey Tube

TURKEY TUBES FOR THE TABLE This craft is perfect for Thanksgiving!  It’s also a craft you make if you are studying birds or, of course, the letter t.  Just color the turkey body, tail, and tube.  Glue the pieces together and add a folded napkin for the wings. USE THE TURKEY ON YOUR READING TABLE … Read more

Student Stocking

STUDENT STOCKINGS CAN BE FILLED WITH SURPRISES This craft is easy to make and it’s super cute!  Your kids can color the stocking before cutting it out and assembling it. Or you can print the pattern on different paper colors and let the kids trade pieces and use paper scraps to decorate their stockings.  The … Read more

Rowdy Rabbit

ROWDY RABBIT RANTS & RAVES This is a simple marionette puppet.  It works best if you print it on a heavier cardstock paper. Your students can decorate the rabbit any way they want.  They’ll punch the hole in each body part,  tie a sting through each hole, and attach the limbs to the rabbit’s body … Read more