Franken-fish Puppet

FRANKEN-FISH IS FAIRLY FUNNY Make this fish puppet with your kids.  Color, cut, fold, and glue the side.  Pull on the upper and lower back fins to make the fish talk.  Your Franken-fish puppet can tell some funny fish jokes. Here are a few to get you started…. 1. “I just started telling fish jokes … Read more

Elephant Envelope

EVERYONE ENJOYS AN ENVELOPE This elephant envelope is an envelope and stationery.  The kids can decorate the outside and write a letter to a friend or family member on the inside. PLAY A READING GAME:  ELEPHANT’S SECRET MESSAGE If you are using the Phonics Fiends reading program, you can use the envelope to play a … Read more

Dancing Dog

DOT’S DOG DANCES (When you tap his head.) Dare to dream… If you’ve ever wanted to make a bobble-head rag doll dog out of paper, your dream just came true.  Actually, this craft is pretty amazing; two paper triangles and a few folds creates an adorable toy.  The kids really like this one!  It’s easy … Read more

Cat Cone

CAT CONES ARE COOL! Color, cut, & curve…this cat craft is easy to make!  Kids can be super creative when coloring this cat.  The cat can have crazy colors, curls, and crooked lines.  Some kids like to color it to look like their pet cat.  If you are making this craft with a group of … Read more

Arty Ant Playground

Click the image to view or print the craft page.

I love arts and crafts!  For my 2024 blog, I’ve chosen an arty craft for each letter of the alphabet.  I’ll post them, in alphabetical order, throughout the year.

I wish I could take credit for inventing this arty ant playground project, but I found it in a magazine when I was teaching first grade.  I made it with my students every year.  The kids loved working on this paper sculpture project.  One year, a student complained to me that he put his ant playground outside and it didn’t attract even one ant. 

You can make this craft with children of all ages.  It takes about 30 minutes to complete.  The craft is a favorite of the creative kids and the technical kids.  When they’ve finished making the ant playground, most children like to explain how the ants will interact with their creation.   

This is a fun one!  Enjoy!